Website I got lost in! - Senna Designs

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Website I got lost in!

I found a website of Fayzer Zerbolio's and got lost in it! She does great work. If only I had more time to create my minis!


  1. Not only would I love to have some of Fay's talent, I'd like to have her husband too...his own talent is to die for.

  2. I have given you an award on my projects blog. Please come over and pick it up.

  3. Hi Rachel. This award has been passed around a lot lately and the only rules are that you have to aknowledge who gave it to you and to pass it on to 15 others. You go to my blog and copy the picture and then you can copy it in to your blog and pass it on. When I first started my blog, you were one of the first followers and it gave me a thrill to see that people were actually reading what I wrote. It meant a lot to me.

  4. Fay never seems to stop creating. She's an absolute wonder. Sally, her sister, is a delight too.
